Game Boy Library
The goal of this React website application is to create a unique way how users can browse between the old Nintendo Game Boy games. User experience, more precisely creating a seamless experience of looking at Game Boy games in their own environment is key of this project. This is a one screen application in an early stage of development. Use this password to enter the site: developer_2024.
Selecting a cartridge triggers a chain of events where the cartridge on the left leaves the screen and a corresponding cartridge (in color) slides in the screen on the right side to enter the Game Boy. At the moment of clicking at the cartridge, the system already founds the related game information by the ID. The game details are stored in an array now. Further in the development, these information will be saved in a database with series of tables (of games, publishers, developers, series, franchises, consoles, genres). This database will be prepared for future expansion (ex.: There are games which have remakes on different consoles. These consoles will have their own table so if in the future we want to know the games released for a specific console, we can easily get that information).
At game selection the Game Boy plays an intro before switching to the gameplay media. In future development the platform will prioritize moving images(GIF) over still images. When a GIF is uploaded, the length of it will also be stored in the database so the autoplay will know when to switch to the next image. Both autoplay and manual image control are due to be developed.
Users will be able to search in game titles and information. Clicking on a link in the game information card would bring up a search. For this behavior a ‘back to previous search’ function will also be part of the app. Category specific search will be also added (ex.: “Developer: Game Freak”). The search bar has a role of calling for attention by highlighting the amount of games on the site.
Other future ideas
There are several questions and issues which has to be addressed to further develop this project: multilingual, games released only in Japanese, Game Boy skins, games that are re-released for Game Boy with updated content, showing if a re-release or remake of a game can be purchased from any official store, compatible Game Boy Color games, more information (artwork) in game information card, site opening animation at first visit.